Best Gifts Ideas For Your Loved Ones : Orgonites


The concept of orgone energy is spreading fast and many of its positive effects have been surfacing. The term orgone was coined by Wilhelm Reich. It is a universal life force and the building block of all organic and inorganic matter on earth. It has various benefits and healing powers and is believed to accelerate plant growth as well.

What is meant by gifting orgone?

For a long time now, people have been ‘gifting’ with orgone. In simple terms it means placing orgone in strategic places so that it can have a positive impact on the people and the environment as well. They are gifting the planet by sensibly placing and tossing orgonite to reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation, enhance the environment, and so on.

Some of the places that can benefit from the gifting of orgonite are as follows-

  • Cell phone towers
  • Polluted lakes and other water bodies
  • Hospitals
  • Electric pylons
  • Nuclear reactors
  • Flora and fauna
  • Power plants

Gifting guidelines-

  • The concept of gifting should begin close to the home, after you have ‘organized’ yourself and your personal space. For those living in complex or block of flats, TBs (muffin-sized orgonite) can be placed at each corner of the perimeter. It is best to target places with negative energy and where people congregate.
  • Near Microwave towers including cell phone masts- Placing one TB should suffice for a single transmitter. Try placing the pucks as close as possible to the microwave tower. Probably within a range of 100 meters.
  • Another way to gift orgone would be to bury it in the shrubbery.
  • It is reported that one enterprising gifter from Malaysia coated TBs in a mixture of soil, cement, and water and was left to dry for a day. And guess what? The orgonite disguised as a rock.
  • When it comes to purifying water, orgonite does an amazing job. So gift orgonite to rivers, lakes, and ponds in your neighborhood.
  • In the countryside, where the population is not too dense and towers are few, it will take fewer orgone to have the effect and vice versa. Placing orgone in places where it will have maximum effect will reduce the amount of orgone required.

We often forget that we ourselves are generators of electromagnetic radiation. As technology has progressed the emission level has gone up drastically. So, the idea of gifting orgone is the least we can do to create positive energy in our environment to protect it and make it sustainable.



For the best purchases of orgone pyramid and pendant, you can always visit Real Crystal. Our highlight is that we provide products at the most affordable rates, helping you fill your life with positivity, along with budget savings.




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